Beth Corsa

Beth Corsa

Executive Director

Beth Corsa

Fifteen years ago, Beth was introduced to the work of the Foundation when she assumed the role of Administrative Officer. Prior to that, she was the Director of Grants and Services at the Greater Hartford Arts Council for seven years. Upon joining LVF, Beth took it upon herself to learn about the two main funding areas, Environmental Justice and Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems by attending conferences on the subjects and joining Valentine on site visits with the grantees. Those focus areas were already important to Beth, but this role has afforded her the opportunity to learn so much more.

With a background in the arts and museum work, she is encouraged when she sees non-profits using art as a catalyst for movement building.  She gets especially excited when she learns that an organization LVF works with has an art component to the work they do; it is a universal communication tool vital to all areas of life.

Family and volunteerism are the areas she spends the most time on outside of work.